Get Serial from command prompt: wmic bios get serialnumber or in powershell Get-WmiObject Win32_BIOS | Select SerialNumber Get Manufacturer and Model from command prompt wmic csproduct get
When installing VMWare (or running) you get a message to uninstall HyperV if it is enabled - something to do with HyperV using hardware virtualization. Instead of uninstalling, you can turn it off:
The Finder "Compress" option creates a pkZip archive. Here is how to compress and extract with the command line. Compress: ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent src_directory To
When performing a "yum update" command on Fedora 19, I would get a stream of "[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 - Not Found" or "[Errno 14] FTP Error 550 - Given file does not exist" yum clean all did
I needed a quick way of stopping and starting a launch item. Rather than the usual process of launchctl unload /item; launchctl load /item. So I put a function in my .bash_rc: function