Fixing Fedora 19 yum update 404 issue

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When performing a "yum update" command on Fedora 19, I would get a stream of "[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 - Not Found" or "[Errno 14] FTP Error 550 - Given file does not exist" yum clean all did

BASH function: Relaunch launchitem

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I needed a quick way of stopping and starting a launch item. Rather than the usual process of launchctl unload /item; launchctl load /item. So I put a function in my .bash_rc: function

Useful Windows oneliners

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When creating a Windows 8 Image, you can remove the Windows Modern Apps with powershell import-module DISM Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -online | RemoveAppxProvisionedPackage -online

Useful Mac defaults and oneliners

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Set Extended Print/Save dialog defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode 1 defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences

Bare Metal Boot to VHD

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Boot from a Windows 7/8 Boot Disc or Windows PE Partition the internal disk :::bat lis dis sel dis 0 cle cre par pri act for fs=ntfs quick label="VHD Host Disk" ass letter=C exi Make a VHDs folder on

Diskpart Examples for Windows 7/8

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For UEFI computers: :::bat select disk 0 clean convert gpt create partition primary size=300 format quick fs=ntfs label="Windows RE Tools" assign letter="T" set


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Using SCP: scp user@host:path/from/home/to/item {destination}


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Mounting a WIM: Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:{Path To WIM} /index:{INDEX} /MountDir:{PATH TO MOUNT DIR} Adding a package to a WIM: Dism /image:{PATH TO MOUNT DIR} /Add-Package /PackagePath:{PATH TO

Get OS X Version via Command Line

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Get OS X Version returns 10.7.2: :::bash sw_vers -productVersion returns 7: :::bash sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F. `{ print $2 }`

Fun with Native boot VHDs

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Create VHD with Diskpart For production environments the Microsoft recommends using fixed VHD type create vdisk file=C:\VHDs\{name}.vhd maximum={MAXMB} type=expandable select vdisk
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