sub osascript($) { system 'osascript', map { ('-e', $_) } split(/\n/, $_[0]); } and to use it: :::applescript
osascript <<END;
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "Hello"
We needed to use older versions of Java for a few business apps. Apple would update the XProtect file which would disable older versions of Java. We use this script to lower the blocked version to
Using ditto to zip up a folder: ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc {source} {destination.zip} Using ditto to unzip: ditto -V -x -k --sequesterRsrc --rsrc {source.zip} {destination}
If you forget your list password for a mailman list in plesk, you can use the following: /usr/lib/mailman/bin/change_pw --domain=domain.com --password=password where domain.com is the domain
Here is a list of what is in my usual field tech toolkit. Screwdrivers:
Smart Pro Precision Extendible 12-in-1 Kit - $9.99 - Model #SPT4500
Husky 6-in-1 Reversible Screwdriver - $6.98 - Model #74361