Stop Plesk Mail service for a single domain

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I had a client with multiple domains in their Plesk panel and was using Google Apps for one of the domains. The problem was that when they sent mail from a Plesk provided email to the Google provided

Accessing Plesk Panel on 443

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I wanted customers to access the Plesk panel without using the port number so here's what I did: How I made https://{pleskpaneldomain}:8443 available from https://{pleskpaneldomain} Create subdomain

Dentrix Refresh Issues

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To fix Dentrix G2 and above workstation refresh issues try: Shutdown all workstations and Dentrix server apps. Backup Dentrix folder Backup Data folder. (C:\Dentrix\ep.exe will show database

Rebuilding Dentrix Data

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To Rebuild your Dentrix Data: Shutdown all workstations and all Dentrix server apps. Backup Data folder. (C:\Dentrix\ep.exe will show database path) Copy:

Using PSR - The problem steps recorder

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I want to bring your attention to a useful utility included with Windows 7 - the Problem Steps Recorder. With PSR, a client can record their interactions on the computer and send them back to you for
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